Flood Mitigation Study for Dhadhar Basin

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Dhadhar River is a rain-fed river which originates from Pavagadh Hills, has a total length of 146 km and catchment area of 3990 sq. km. It has been observed that in general flooding of the area take place due to lower banks. The capacity of the river section is less and is further reduced due to tidal ingress action as blockage to disposal of flood water.

Hence a study was initiated by GSDMA with an objective to determine the causes and spread of flood in Dhadhar river basin, and assessing flood hazards, flood risk and preparing short term and long term measures, both structural and non-structural for managing the catastrophic situation caused by the flood, in the basin. The study has been completed and the final report has been circulated to all the relevant departments. The findings contribute towards improving flood control measures through better data collection and coordination of river and dam water flow and the respective level information.