Hazard Early Warning & Emergency Communication

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At the time of disasters, the normal mode of communication collapses or suffers drastically, thus making it difficult to deploy resources for relief and rescue activities. It is necessary to set up a stand-by communication system which can function during disasters. A study was initiated for setting up an ‘Early Hazard Warning and Emergency Communication System’ in Gujarat. 
The study reviewed the existing emergency communication and early warning systems in the State and gave recommendations on capacity building at different levels. It also suggested the equipment and communication links for a better early warning and emergency communication system in the State. Further, a comprehensive network of equipment and the supporting communication system taking into consideration the various emergency response mechanisms existing in the State was felt necessary for an efficient Early Warning and Emergency Communication set-up.
Taking the final report submitted by the consultant as the basis, GSDMA decided to plan a comprehensive information and communication network for the State. The solution would cater to all areas of the Crisis Management Cycle like Predict, Prevent, Prepare, Respond and Recover in case of any disaster.
The set-up will leverage the existing communication & connectivity mechanisms available at the Village level like VSAT (GSWAN), wireless communications as well as other fallback mechanisms that can be proposed like utilizing the mobile penetration by means of SMS. To ensure real time communication, it is proposed to have a system across all voice technologies like IP, PSTN, GSM, Desktop Voice, RF based voice.
The proposed system will consist of Alert & Mass Notification System which would allow Government to respond rapidly to changing business needs through the reuse of existing assets and the integration of processes as linked, repeatable tasks or services. The robust network would extend to State, District, Taluka and the local incidence point with a well defined control and coordination structure supported with adequate and appropriate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources tools.
This network is designed for organization structure consisting of State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC) at Gandhinagar, 26 District Emergency Operation Centers (DEOCs) and 5 Regional Emergency Response Centres (ERCs) and 226 Taluka Emergency Operation centers (TEOCs).